Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to everybody! Thanks for coming here and check out my illos, make comments and all. It's been a wonderful experience! I hope we can stiil be together in the cyberspace next year!
Feliz Natal e um super maravilhoso (melhor que 2006) Ano Novo para meus amigos blogueiros brazucas. Foi ótimo tê-los por aqui vendo meus rabiscos, comentando e coisa e tal. Tomara que possamos estar juntos novamente aqui no ciberespaço no ano que vem!
Illustration Friday - Help
Help, not just anybody,
Help, you know I need someone, help.
When I was younger,
so much younger than today,
I never needed anybody's
help in any way.
But now these days are gone,
I'm not so self assured,
Now I find I've changed my mind
and opened up the doors.
Help me if you can,
I'm feeling down
And I do appreciate
you being round.
Help me, get my feet
back on the ground,
Won't you please,
please help me?
And now my life has changed
in oh so many ways,
My independence
seems to vanish in the haze.
But every now and then
I feel so insecure,
I know that I just need you like
I've never done before.
Beauty everywhere / Beleza em todo lugar

What inspires me most is people, mainly faces. I always say that, I know... I know. But don't you think it is wonderful that we have such a huge variety of skin colors, hair, noses, eyes and lips to look at?
O que mais me inspira é gente, principalmente rostos. Eu sempre digo isso, eu sei... eu sei. Mas vocês não acham maravilhoso ter tanta variedade de cor de pele, cabelos, narizes, olhos e bocas para a gente olhar?
Christmas Songs
I have been tagged by Geninne for the Christmas Song game. I have to list 5 of my favorite Christmas songs and then tag 5 others to do the same. It is not easy, for I am brazilian and we don't really sing a lot on Christmas, but I will use my movies' knowledge to make my list:
1. All I want for Christmas is you (Remember "Love Actually"? I LOVE that movie!)
2. White Christmas
3. I'll be home for Christmas
4. Let it snow
5. Jingle Bells
And I'm tagging:
1. Kako
2. Mattias
3. Maria Eugenia
4. Elizabeth (I don't know her, but her blog is awesome!)
5. Baptistão
2007 Calendar / Calendário 2007

A cada ano que passa fico mais e mais enrolada na hora de fazer o calendário. Este ano não foi diferente, tanto que só consegui fazer este aí em cima no último momento e com bem menos que as 13 ilustrações costumeiras. Mas consegui fazer, acho que é isso que importa, já que no ano passado não deu tempo e fiquei sem ter o que mandar para meus clientes em 2006... Então fique ligado, pois se você é um criativo em propaganda ou da diretor de arte na área editorial, certamente receberá o seu exemplar nos próximos dias.
Illustration Friday - Mask

Can you answer this question?
If we took off the mask that we use, what would be underneath?
Knocked out / Nocauteada
Sorry, but I was knocked out by a virus and haven't been able to post since last friday. Damn virus! It always attacks when the weekend is near...
Desculpem, mas eu fui nocauteada por um virus e não tenho conseguido postar desde sexta passada. Vírus desgraçado! Ele sempre ataca quando o final de semana está chegando...
Desculpem, mas eu fui nocauteada por um virus e não tenho conseguido postar desde sexta passada. Vírus desgraçado! Ele sempre ataca quando o final de semana está chegando...
On My Desk Blog
If you don't know this blog, you don't know what you're missing! It is very interesting to see what artists from all over the world have in their work environment.
The today's post is mine. Here is the lilnk:
The today's post is mine. Here is the lilnk:
My workplace

Some people asked me what I use to make all those faces.
Well, it is really no mistery at all: I dig them at sites like TheCobrasnake, MissShapes, Face Hunter, Ambrel and others. After copying and editing the photos, I print them and use it as reference to draw in my little sketchbook.
It is a very good exercise and sometimes turns out to be good drawings too.
The end of hibernation

I've emerged from my hibernation. I always have to give myself some time to chill out after a travel, no matter how long it was, a week, a month... It is a time when I am trying to adjust to my daily routine and I am also battling the "after-holliday-depression".
Unfortunatelly, my first appearance in almost two weeks brings you nothing new (this drawing was made weeks ago) but at least I am back!
I'm back
After a lovely week in New York, here I am again.
Sadly, I didn't draw a single line, although I've bought tons of art supplies at Pearl Paint (thanks, Geninne!).
Stay tunned for the news.
Sadly, I didn't draw a single line, although I've bought tons of art supplies at Pearl Paint (thanks, Geninne!).
Stay tunned for the news.
Talented hubby

My multi-talented husband is not only a book editor, writer, singer and music composer. He is also an actor! His HSBC TV commercial is already on national TV.
Koi fishes are good luck too.

"According to Japanese legend if a koi succeeded in climbing the falls at a point called Dragon Gate on the Yellow River it would be transformed into a dragon. Based on that legend, it became a symbol of worldly aspiration and advancement.
More generally, the Japanese associate koi (also known as carp) with perserverance in adversity and strength of purpose. Because of its strength and determination to overcome obstacles, it stands for courage and the ability to attain high goals."
From FAQ Farm.
Big Eyes
Illustration Friday - Ghost

Whenever I am feeling blue, I like to have Billie Holliday's ghost haunting me.
Victor P. Young / Bing Crosby / Ned Washington
I need your love so badly
I love you oh so madly
But I don't stand a ghost of a chance with you
I thought at last I found you
But other loves surround you
And I don't stand a ghost of a chance with you
If you'd surrender
Just for a tender
Kiss or two
You might discover
That I'm the lover
Meant for you
And I'd be true
But what's the good of scheming
I'm dreaming
For I don't stand a ghost of a chance with you
Cuz I don't stand
A ghost of a chance
With you
Illustration Friday - Smitten
Busy week / Semana agitada
The Cobrasnake

"The Cobrasnake" é um jovem fotógrafo (tipo uns 21 anos) que adora uma balada e compartilha as fotos dessas noitadas neste site. Vale a pena dar uma olhada! É uma grande fonte de inspiração para os que gostam de ver fotos de gente bonita e estilosa.
"The Cobrasnake" is a young photographer (21 or so) who loves to party and share the photos of his wild nights on this website. You should check it out! It is a great inspiration for those who love to see photos of beautiful and stylish people.
Illustration Friday - Quiet
How far should I go? / Até onde devo ir?

Até onde devo ir? Esta é a questão com a qual inicio a semana fria e garoenta aqui em São Paulo. Já que eu não tenho como estabelecer limites para o meu crescente vício em desenhar rostos, eu pergunto a vocês, queridos bloggeiros, quando saber que já basta? Para entender do que estou falando vá até a minha página no Flicker.
Women / Mulheres
Illustration Friday - Phobia
New addictions / Novos vícios

Oh, my God! As if I have not enough faces digging up from Face Hunter, now I've found Hel Looks, Street Fashion Photo and Ambrel!
Oh, céus! Como se eu não tivesse rostos o bastante fuçando no Face Hunter, agora descobri Hel looks, Street Fashion Photo e Ambrel!
Mr. Baronet

This is Willie Baronet, Dallas' king of the bloggers. Smart dude, bon-vivant and a very talented artist. If you are looking for a thinking blogger with a twist of drawings, he is the man.
Este é Willie Baronet, o rei dos blogueiros de Dallas. Cara esperto, bon-vivant e talentoso artista. Se você procura um blogger pensante com um toque de desenho, ele é o cara.

This is the Face Hunter.
Yvan Rodic, the guy to whom I own my biggest wave of inspiration, ever! He is such an eager-beaver! His eye to find interesting people is amazing and the photos are so inspiring that got me addicted to it. If you still don't know his blog, I recommend you go there right now!
Thanks, Yvan!
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