
Mr. Baronet

This is Willie Baronet, Dallas' king of the bloggers. Smart dude, bon-vivant and a very talented artist. If you are looking for a thinking blogger with a twist of drawings, he is the man.
Este é Willie Baronet, o rei dos blogueiros de Dallas. Cara esperto, bon-vivant e talentoso artista. Se você procura um blogger pensante com um toque de desenho, ele é o cara.

9 comentários:

Mauricio Telles disse...

lindo desenho!
vou pasar a visitar esse blog, obrigado pela dica!


Willie Baronet disse...

Holy Cow! I am in awe and humbled by that amazing portrait. I am rushing out immediately to buy a silver star and a big ass hat. :-) Thank you so so much Fernanda! You are amazing. xoxo

deezee disse...


kj disse...

hello, via willie's blog, i want to thank you for this great portrait of rrramone. so that's what he looks like!

you and he offer a comforting and essential take on sketching the world beyond the political name calling and bully battles. i love it. thank you!

Susan Schwake disse...

totally wonderful! your drawings are terrific and you have willie on the mark! so cool...

Lori Witzel disse...

What a great drawing of WB!

Willie, I never knew you had one of those Nudie Cohn Cowboy Suits -- you look like a Cajun version of Gram Parsons here!


Loca disse...

Totally agree in what you said about Willie~.
O teu desenho é suberbo, parabéns.

Tanya disse...

This is fabulous! And he has a shirt just like this! : )

Chamki disse...

Willy is my fav blogger!