
Cloud 9: step by step / Nas Nuvens: passo-a-passo

Step 6, 7 and 8: Hair (insane work: requires lots of patient) and jewerly in Art Nouveau style.
Passo 6, 7 e 8: Cabelo (trabalho de louco: requer muita paciência) e jóias estilo Art Nouveau.

Um comentário:

Gaby disse...

Hi!! wow, you really know how draw... it's an excellent work... excuse my english, I'm mexican and it't dificult for me write in english.

I'll like to invite you at my blog, but it's in spanish... wherever, this is the link Letras de un sueño
Letras del alma, que salen a la luz del día en forma de lágrimas, poesias o mascaras tristes y felices.


See you! =D