
Bye 2006! / Adeus 2006!

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to everybody! Thanks for coming here and check out my illos, make comments and all. It's been a wonderful experience! I hope we can stiil be together in the cyberspace next year!

Feliz Natal e um super maravilhoso (melhor que 2006) Ano Novo para meus amigos blogueiros brazucas. Foi ótimo tê-los por aqui vendo meus rabiscos, comentando e coisa e tal. Tomara que possamos estar juntos novamente aqui no ciberespaço no ano que vem!

2 comentários:

Anônimo disse...

Merry Christmas my dear cyber friend! I wish you the best for this Christmas and new year. Big hug for you and your beautiful family!

Willie Baronet disse...

By all means my dear! Have loved getting to know you and look forward to more of your wonderful work.

Did I mention you drew me last year?? And I drew your boob. :-)