
Cabaré, a série / Cabaret, the series

Disponíveis para compra aqui.
Avaiable for purchase here.


Acabando pinturas inacabadas / Finishing unfinished paintings

Desde o começo do ano estou fazendo uma busca em minhas coisas para ver o que fiz e o que deixei de fazer, quase como um inventário. Nessas buscas encontrei esta pequena tela aqui. Devo tê-la iniciado em 2006 e há tempos que ela rolava de lá pra cá no meu estúdio sem que eu lhe desse as feições, os detalhes, a cor do fundo. Foi então que um amiguinho do meu filho me perguntou se eu não iria acabá-la. Geralmente não gosto de pegar um trabalho tanto tempo depois, mas aceitei seu desafio e com minhas Poscas e Sharpies em mãos, um bom vinho tinto e o filme "O destino bate à sua porta" com Jack Nicholson e Jessica Lange passando na madrugada, dei um fim a esta série de três damas antigas (as outras vou postar amanhã, aguardem).
Ah, obrigada, Gustavo!

Since the beginning of this year I've been searching my things to find what I might left undone, almost like an inventory. In the process, I've found this small canvas here. I probably started to paint it back on 2006 and since then it's been tossed from here to there on my studio and I never got the time to give this lady her features, clothes' details or a background color untill my son's friend asked me if I was not going to finish it. I don't usually like to get back on something I've started (and left aside) long ago, but something made me decide to take the challenge. So, with my Poscas and Sharpies at hand, a nice glass of wine and "The postman always rings twice" with Jack Nicholson and Jessica Lange on cable late at night, I finished this series of three vintage ladies (I'll post the others tomorow).
Oh, and thanks Gustavo!


Era uma vez um desenho velhinho... / Once upon a time there was an old drawing...

...Um belo dia resolvi brincar um pouco no Photoshop,
experimentando meus novos conhecimentos sobre layers.
Aqui está o resultado. Alguém tem um preferido?

...One fine day I've decided to play on Photoshop for a while,
testing my newest discovers on layers and its possiblilities.
Here are the results. Does someone have a favorite?


Illustration Friday - Instinct

Click the image to see it larger.


Presente-surpresa para uma amiga / Surprise-gift to a friend


Pintura baseada em Klimt / Painting after Klimt

Tinta dourada para caligrafia, canetas Sharpie e
Uni-Posca sobre madeira.
20 x 67 cm.
Gold calligraphy ink, Sharpie and
Uni-Posca pens on wood.
7,8 x 26,3 in.


Inacabada / Unfinished


Come on, vogue, let your body groove to the music.

Ladies with an attitude

Fellows that were in the mood

Don't just stand there, let's get to it

Strike a pose, there's nothing to it


Vogue, by Madonna.


"Don't just stand there, let's get to it, strike a pose, there's nothing to it"

Look around everywhere you turn is heartache
It's everywhere that you go
You try everything you can to escape
The pain of life that you know
When all else fails and you long to be
Something better than you are today
I know a place where you can get away
It's called a dance floor, and here's what it's for, so
Come on, vogue
Let your body move to the music, hey, hey, hey
Come on, vogue
Let your body go with the flow, you know you can do it
All you need is your own imagination
So use it that's what it's for
Go inside, for your finest inspiration
Your dreams will open the door
It makes no difference if you're black or white
If you're a boy or a girl
If the music's pumping, it will give you new life
You're a superstar, yes, that's what you are, you know it
Vogue's lyrics by (the always wise) Madonna.


"Are you walking the dog or is the dog walking you?"


Cores ousadas / Bold colors


Mais Klimt e Galliano como inspiração / More Klimt and Galliano as inspiration

Canetas Uni-Posca e Sharpie sobre madeira (19 x 19 cm).
Uni-Posca and sharpies pens on wood (7,5' x 7,5').


O que seria de mim sem Gustav Klimt? / What would I be without Gustav Klimt?

Com isso em mente e atiçada pelas fotos da fabulosa coleção de Alta Costura da Maison Dior, comecei uma série de pinturas inspiradas nesses dois gênios: Klimt e Galliano.

Canetas Uni-Posca e Sharpie sobre madeira.19 x 19 cm.

With that on mind and teased by pics of Dior's fabulous Haute Couture collection, I've started a series of paintings inspired by the work of this two genious: Klimt and Galliano.

Uni-Posca and sharpies pen on wood. 7,5' x 7,5'.